Monday, October 13, 2008

Arriving In Milano

Getting here was pretty cool. When i arrived at Malpensa i was all alone and didn't know what to do so decided to just take a taxi. It cost 90 euro. It was evil haha. Oh well, it was my first like 5 minutes in Italy and didn't want to get completly lost with all my luggage. When i finally got to Arcobaleno i was amazed. The dorm I would be living in was an old hotel! It was so nice. I got into line and met two really cool people right away, Dan and Astrid, we became friends right away and it was nice finally getting to know people. I went up to my room, #430, and began unpacking. After that i met up with my friends and we did all the begginer stuff and registering. Then i just began to try and meet as many people as i could and sort of orient myself with this new city. Milan is a very industrious city with stores and shops everywhere. It is the fashion capital of the world and you could defintly see that by all the stores and even the way people are dressed. I knew right away that even though this city is not classic Italian, i would still love it. Later that day i met my roomate, Kevin, from Boston College. He is a really awesome guy and we get along great. I went to dinner with him and another new friend Maya. After that i went to bed after a long exhausting day. Even though it was only one day i knew that this was about to one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

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